Friday 23 November 2007

Tumbulgam Farm (Part II)

Some more photos from the Tumbulgam Farm, from the sheep shearing show, some lucky kids were also given a chance to feed the sheep kids and milk "Daisy" the cow!
Keeping a sample of the sheep wool, off the floor...
Then taking an Authentic Australian Farmer break with Billy Tea and Damper Bread
After the Aboriginal Show, its lunch time! Aussie Barbie! (No, no pork! - Just an Aussie slang for Barbeque (: ) The food is deliciously halal.That's Dave, one of our Bus Captains who doubles up as chef.
The Scouts and Ventures working tirelessly to serve their younger Cub brothers.
We've got Yummy in our Tummy!

Next stop after lunch: KING'S PARK.

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