Sunday 25 November 2007

Soaring Eagles: G'Day from Down Under!

Its a fine and cool Sunday morning and the kids are having lots of fun. The weather is about 27 degrees Celcius today with nice South Westerly winds. Pictures speak a thousand words, so We'll keep this post short and sweet.

We are the largest group here. 3 Leaders, 20 Cubs, 2 Scouts and 2 Ventures, so it isn't easy getting everyone together in a photo all at once, so please bear with us. More updates and photos will be posted at our unit blog so check it out if you're thirsting for more photos.
Everyone is well, happy and somehow, they don't look like they're missing home! :) But I am certain that quietly in their hearts, they do!

We'll be back in a couple of days so hang tight and watch for more updates!

Peace out,
Miss Noordiana, Mr Clarence Hoe, and the Soaring Eagles.

1 comment:

Elaine Quek said...

Dear Noordiana, Clarence and our wonderful boys,
It's great to know that you are having fun. DO continue to take care and have more great times!
Warmest thoughts, Mrs Quek